May 23,2024

 Gallery Group Minutes, Thursday, May 23, 2024

Carol Little presiding. 

Present:  J. Loucks, J. Moore, C. Herbert, B. Kindelsperger, L. Williard, G. Fitz, M Schultz 

Calls for art: Rutter is looking for local artists:  contact Mindy Christian at Creative York for info

Sales:  C. Kirk @ JCC

Exhibit updates:  

* Cross Keys Village  April 5- May 15   Phil Redman & Bren picked up all pieces and delivered to YAA .  Bren will contact G Hurwitz to claim her piece.

* JCC (June 7, 1:30  ).  Contact Bren Kindelsperger, info on roster  Full.  Bren reported  8 sales from current exhibit.

* Martin Foot  :  next switchout will be July ??. Bren will email notice of date sometime in June.  Next exhibit is full.

* Leg Up May  1, Linda Williard  and John Loucks will handle take-out in July, date to be determined.    Next exhibit there will be in November

* New Exhibit:  Sally Little Danyo Sept 15-October 20, 15 spaces, sign up sheet was distributed, will be sent out at subsequent date.  

* Attorney Reilly  ,   June 27,  following the GG meeting  Mary Schultz, sign up sheet distributed.  Room for more,  Contact Mary at   to sign up.

* Possible exhibit:  Encompass Health is renovating their building, and would like to incorporate local art.  Catherine Herbert emailed Jared Bean at Encompass, but has not received a response.

* Country Meadows:   Linda Williard reported that Bonnie Geisinger, Director of Dynamic Living at CM contacted her after seeing work at JCC.  At this time, she is interested in individual artists to display, but Linda suggested the GG to her.

Sharing time:

Catherine Herbert and Carol Little shared works in progress.

NEXT MEETING:  4th Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. Linda Williard,  blog administrator: please send her any potential post information/pictures regarding venues.  Blog can be used for any news of sales, or perhaps interesting galleries to visit, to organize a trip to a museum exhibit, calls for artists for future exhibits, etc.  

Tags:    Please obtain tags with the new YAA logo from the office..

Reminder: Gallery Group User Site: location – 2nd computer in office; YAA-GG; documents available (e.g. tags, sales sheets, exhibit templates guidelines, etc.) 

Note:  Art work that is exhibited by the Gallery Group is to be original, not prints of the original artwork.  

When removing sold art, first contact the coordinator to make arrangements for a replacement.

For information about the Gallery Group (exhibits, sales, meeting info, pictures) go to  (see sidebar for general information)

Updates for Roster:  send any changes to Carol Little:

Password for guest computer: gallerygroup; WIFI access password is 7177550028

Sally Little Danyo Gallery: Gallery committee coordinates.  Applications are online at YAA website

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